Estimate how much material is needed for a given area at a specified depth.

How much mulch do I need?

Mulch is sold by the cubic yard. One cubic yard of the material covers a 324-square-foot area an inch deep. We recommend 2-4 inches per square foot. To determine your total, multiply your square footage by the depth in inches desired, then divide by 324. Use our calculator or here’s the formula:

Square footage x desired depth / 324 = cubic yards needed

Delivery Options

The minimum order to deliver is 3 yards or tons per product. 

In addition to being the largest mulch manufacturer and wholesale supplier, we also deliver to residential and commercial locations.

We use single and double axle trucks capable of delivering between 6 and 22 tons or between 10 and 30 yards of material.

Give us a call at 301.715.8500 to schedule a delivery and to learn more.